Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Ideal Tax Solution looses EDD State Employment Appeal

    Ideal Tax Solution in Costa Mesa, CA  looses State of California EDD appeal due to owner, Ali Khatib disregarding California State employment laws and wanting to avoid paying the required EDD premiums and taxes! 
     See actual decision as it was written by the Judge in the case below.  Notice where it says,"employer was evasive" and  "testimony of employer ( aka, Ali Kahtib) is inherently unreliable, improbable and is disregarded" by the Judge.
    If this blogger needed help settling a debt with the IRS, Ideal Tax Solution would be the last company I'd call. Companies that lose EDD employment appeals are subject to a complete audit of its employees and business. Heavy fines and penlites are imposed when common law employees are fraudulently reported to the state as independent contractors and subject to EDD insurance premiums and reporting.
    It's no surprise that some companies have been driven out of business because of them committing this type of employment fraud and having to pay back employment insurance premiums,  fines and of course, the taxes. 
     Don't get stuck holding the bag, and your case dropped because Ideal Tax Solution and it's "evasive and inherently unreliable" owner Ali Khatib  decides to call it quits before he'd pay one dime of any state fine. I would put it past him for a minute.
    Consumers with IRS tax issues, consider yourself informed and stay away from Ideal Tax Solution in Costa Mesa, Ca.  Trust me! You'll be glad you did.

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